BAGAIA Hosts Basic Accident Investigation Training , 10th Commission Meeting

basic accident investigation training
BAGAIA Commissioner, Engineer Charles Irikefe Erhueh

The Banjul Accord Group Accident Investigation Agency (BAGAIA) is conducting a five-day basic accident investigation training from June 3rd to 7th, 2024. The agency will convene its 10th Commission Meeting from June 10th to 12th, 2024, at the Farmington Hotel in Monrovia.

Commission Meeting Highlights

The Liberian Government is hosting events marking part of the 2024 safety program of BAGAIA. The theme, “BAGAIA at 15: Celebrating One and a Half Decades of Impact,” is supported by the AU and partnered with the EU.

According to BAGAIA Commissioner, Engineer Charles Irikefe Erhueh, the meeting aims to showcase the agency’s advancements over the years.

He emphasizes, “We’ll brief on the signed Memorandum of Understanding between BAGAIA and the Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) in the East African Community (EAC) region.”

Training Program Objectives

“We will update on BAGAIA’s expansion by establishing a regional aircraft accident and incident investigation bureau in West Africa.”Erhueh states.

The basic accident investigation training aims to equip participants with tools and knowledge for basic aircraft accident and incident investigation. It will address essential topics, including the management of accident investigations and stakeholders’ responsibilities.

Erhueh explains, “The program will also cover flight recorders, downloads, investigation processes, and report writing.”

Improving Continental Safety

The five-day training program aims to enhance safety on the continent and help member states meet their Chicago Convention obligations.



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